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Salesforce Blockchain brings low code to trusted networks!

Built on the open-source Hyperledger Sawtooth protocol, Salesforce Blockchain is integrated directly into the Salesforce Platform. This allows customers to build their blockchain trust networks, data, and apps using clicks, not code, and easy-to-use tools.

About 55 % of companies say that the biggest obstacle to adopting blockchain is finding skilled developers who can build a blockchain.

But you don’t want to try to accomplish all of that by creating a bunch of code with disjointed (non-integrated) tools.

Salesforce Blockchain lets you easily create your own trust networks to securely extend CRM to partners (industry, suppliers, distributors, public institutions, and customers).


How does Salesforce make it possible to build a ‘Low-code’ Blockchain?

First, Salesforce Blockchain lets you create blockchain networks, data, and apps using simple clicks—using the power of Salesforce’s low-code tools. Next, it helps you make blockchain data actionable using the built-in capabilities of Lightning Flows, Search, Einstein AI, and many more services. Then, it helps you easily engage your blockchain network partners using Lightning apps, community, or prebuilt APIs for supporting partners that are not using Salesforce.

Salesforce Blockchain Implementation in ‘Four’ Steps

To help you understand the simplicity of Salesforce Blockchain, let’s discuss a use case. In this example, you create a network so insurance companies, claims processors, and repair shops can work together on a trusted blockchain ledger of a customer claim.

Step 1: Start by defining your trust network, its rules, and permissions

  • With insurance claims, you want the insurance agent, the third-party claims handler, and the repair shop to work securely on a claim. For instance, you might set permissions for an insurance agent to “read-only” while other network participants can both read, write, and verify changes to the blockchain claims database.

Step 2: Create a low-code data model directly on the blockchain

  • The data you want to share his a claim. So you create a Claim object and add fields (date, customer, and so forth). You do it as you would create any data object in Salesforce, only it’s being created right on the blockchain.

Step 3: Make blockchain data actionable

  • Every blockchain data comes with automated events and process capability (because it’s integrated with the Lightning Platform). So your blockchain data becomes immediately actionable, sends notifications, and can automatically close a claim.

  • For instance, if a repair shop completes the repairs and saves this data about the repairs to the blockchain, with Platform Events acting on that information, the status of the claim automatically changes to Repairs Completed without the need for extra verification or paperwork.

Step 4: Easily create apps for all partners and invite them

  • If the partner uses Salesforce, you can use existing Salesforce apps or Communities to display blockchain records and allow partners to interact with that data.

  • When you add the repair shop and the claims handler, they see this data on a shared single view inside a Salesforce app. If partners are not on Salesforce, you can easily build apps on Heroku or any custom framework to display blockchain data through APIs. Whether your partners are Salesforce customers or not, Salesforce Blockchain makes it easy for them to join and start using your network.


In summary, as the global CRM leader, the Salesforce CRM-plus-Blockchain framework is now making it possible for customers to connect to one another and to their partners using trusted networks. As with every new technology, Salesforce makes it easy for companies to use blockchain in a way that delivers immediate value.

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